Kasuari Exotic Resort Magelang
Join in our new team at Kasuari Exotic Resort Magelang. We are new Resort at Bandongan Magelang with authentic miniatur of Papua (East Indonesia) we have 16 resort, restaurant, ballroom, Papua sanctuary bird park and plantation Outdoor facilities.
We offer some position as below,
- SM (Sales Marketing)
- HR Admin (Spv/Asst level)
- CDP (Spv/Asst level)
- FB Service (Spv/Asst level)
- FO (Spv/Asst level)
- HK (Spv/Asst level)
- ACCT (Spv/Asst level)
- Engineer (Spv/Asst level)
- Ideally with a university degree or diploma in Hospitality or Tourism management.
- Minimum 2 years work experience as.
- Have well attitude, good problem solving, administrative, interpersonal skills and high competency in Microsoft word, excel, and PowerPoint systems.
Please type in subject email possition and name
(e.g HR Admin_NAME)
Send your current CV to ;
Info.kasuariexoticresortmgl@gmail.com for FO, HK, FB Service, CDP
hr.kasuariexoticresortmgl@gmail.com for HR, ACCT, Engineering, SM